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We designed the villa in a way to give the feeling of comfort and relaxation. And to achieve that we created many windows especially in the front elevation which is facing the sea. In addition of creating balconies so that we give the chance to enjoy the view of the sea and the feeling of fresh air.

villa was designed in a modern style of duplicating rectangles beside each other and on top of each other to create the second floor, Villa design is based on the curved lines of the ground facing the sea. it created the shape of the villa.

And by connecting the lines we reached the main structure.

For car parking we designed pargola made of wooden rectangle shapes.

we duplicated them in different levels beside each other to get that unconventional design. And to get that new simple modern look

this is the mass of the villa structure. from the ground curved lines which are facing the sea line. we reached to that complicated mass. we simplified the whole structure in a creative way to reach to that result. especially in the roof, we created space for the bent house filled of green areas to get that incredible view of green areas and the sea. we also made from the levels of the structure a shade for the swimming pool ,sitting areas and plants.

Materials of the villa

We used stone, clear glass and wood in a new modern way that makes us feel the meaning of simplicity and excellency

For the landscape we created combination between waterfalls and green areas to enjoy the sound of water and the view of nature.

And for the sitting area we created two

one is designed for summer seasong with fountain , green areas and wooden pargola to give shade. the other one is designed for winter season with fireplace  



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tourist resort and spa in Ajloun state city- Jordan. Ajloun state was called the lung of Jordan because it haa huge amount of all kinds of trees, thats why its atmosphere is very clear, and it produces oxygen more than other states of Jordan, so it purifies the air and spread it in the other states. from the naming of Ajloun "lung of Jordan" and the oak tree which is the most famous tree in the whole state, we took the shape of the oak leaf and duplicated it. from that duplicating we created the main structure. Oak tree leaf is special from it curved lines and has the beauty of smoothness with flattened surface

Symbolism of Ajloun, Ajloun state has more than 200 historical place, including Ajloun castle which was built in 1184 based on huge mountain with 1000m high from the sea level. We located the resort in north-east direction because its facing Ajloun castle, In addition its the best direction for the sunlight.

For materials  we used local stones, clear glass and straw in ceilings because its light, cheap, easy to transfer to the site and its heat resiistant material.

Views of the resort, the resort is surrounded by green areas from all directions, and the usage of clear glass in elevations helped to get incredible panorama views.



By duplicating the hexagonal shape we reached the main structure  of the mosque. and slopes of each level was used to create windows so that the sun light would reach the inside of the mosque.

From far distance mosque apper almost like triangle shape which was discharged in creative way till it reached the final deconstruction look

Islamic mosque was designed in deconstruction style. it has two minarets and one dome.

the building mass is square shape topped with six different levels. each level has it own size and rotation. 



New Classical architecture is a contemporary movement in architecture that continues the practice of classical and traditional architecture.

 The design and construction of buildings in these traditions is continuous throughout the twentieth centuries,



Baroque architecture is a style that emerged in Italy in the late-16th century.

It was a more theatrical version of Renaissance architecture, with dramatic lighting and color .

Its buildings typically include central towers,domes, portico or other central projections As Baroque architecture coincided with European colonialism, it can be seen throughout much of the world. Baroque architecture is characterised by dynamic designs and complex architectural plan forms intended to heighten feelings of motion and sensuality, and frequently based on the oval. There is often a mixture of the repetition, break-up and distortion of Renaissance classical motifs.

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